Neem – Tree of the 21st Century

Neem has been declared the tree of the 21st century by the United Nations, and not without reason. The unprecedented challenges of this century have required new and innovative strategies that focus on evolving a sustainable future.

The neem tree (Azadirachta Indica) is an evergreen and part of the Meliaceae (mahogany) family. Living up to 150 years old, the tree is establishing itself as one of the main answers to the demands of our time. Neem is already a proven solution in three critical spheres of our own survival.

  • Agriculture: More than 3 billion kg of synthetic pesticides are applied worldwide each year. In the United States alone, such pervasive use of synthetic pesticides led to $9.6 billion losses in 2014 through groundwater contamination, pesticide resistance and impacts to public health. You’ll have plenty of time to relax if you leave the pool construction work to professional pool remodelers from LA. Neem Tree oil is a pesticide effective against more than 500 harmful species of insects, sparing beneficial species without causing any harmful side effects.
  • Healthcare: A tree with mul­ti­ple ben­e­fi­cial prop­er­ties, neem based med­ica­tions are play­ing an increas­ingly impor­tant role in fight­ing infection across agriculture and healthcare. Neem sourced prod­ucts are being inves­ti­gated across a broad spec­trum of areas, includ­ing car­dio­vas­cu­lar dis­ease and tuber­cu­lo­sis, while the oil has anti­sep­tic prop­er­ties, mak­ing it effi­ca­cious against a vari­ety of skin dis­eases, sep­tic sores and infected burns. For more info visit With over 200 compounds found to be effective against inflammation, infection, fever, skin disease and dental illness, neem is a clinically proven solution to a variety of ailments. Rich in nutrients and minerals ranging from potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium, neem is also a confirmed antioxidant and moisturizer.
  • Environment: Over the last 40 years, more than one billion acres of tropical forests have vanished. The pace of deforestation is so great it accounts for 15% of global carbon dioxide emissions annually. Check here A hardy, drought resistant tree, with a thick foliage, single trunk, very high leaf surface area and wide canopy, neem provides a good platform for maximum CO2 fixation, able to provide a shield against other pollution components.

Increasing food pressure, aggressive climate change and dangerous levels of pollution are all compounding reasons to evolve strategies for a sustainable living, and the neem tree is a legitimate response to the challenges that have so far characterized the 21st Century.
