Neem Tree

Empowering the World With Neem

For thousands of years, neem leaves, the bark, neem oil, and the flowers have been used in hundreds of different ways ranging from the prevention of infection in a wound to acting as a pesticide protecting essential crops. In celebration of International Women’s Day, we focus on how this marvelous gift of nature has improved… read more »

Beauty Inspired by Nature

Beauty is a natural reflection of health and wellbeing; therefore any product that promises beauty must bring overall health to our body. Nature has always excelled in providing the nutrition, vitamins, minerals and solutions the body needs for comprehensive sustenance. Many plants and flowers, seeds and trees have provided medicines to treat, cure and prevent… read more »

Neem – Tree of the 21st Century

Neem has been declared the tree of the 21st century by the United Nations, and not without reason. The unprecedented challenges of this century have required new and innovative strategies that focus on evolving a sustainable future. The neem tree (Azadirachta Indica) is an evergreen and part of the Meliaceae (mahogany) family. Living up to… read more »

What Does the Future Hold for Neem?

The neem tree’s versatility is driving the incursion of this fast growing crop in new and diverse industries. Owing to its more than 200 bioactive compounds the neem is showing promise in providing safe, natural solutions to a wide range of issues across the board, thus reaffirming its status as the UN’s ‘Tree of the… read more »

Our Need to Solve the Energy Challenge

The global transition to clean, renewable energy is well underway with remarkable breakthroughs in sustainable energy production occurring every day. Wind power capacity has grown more than 20% every year over the last decade, the price of solar power has declined by 99% since 1972 and over 70 governments around the world have now introduced… read more »

The Power of Planting Trees

We are now living in a world where the increasing amount of scientific evidence proving the existence of climate change is being overshadowed by the drastic effects that can be seen even in our immediate environment. From catastrophic droughts in the United States to flooding and snowfall in South Africa, extreme weather patterns are becoming… read more »
