Neem Cake

Neem cake contains NPK in organic form, which is conducive for plant growth. As a completely organic and botanical product, neem cake contains 100% natural NPK content and other micro nutrients such as Nitrogen (2.0% to 5.0%), Phosphorus (0.5% to 1.0%), Potassium (1.0% to 2.0%), Calcium (0.5% to 3.0%), Magnesium (0.3% to 1.0%), Sulphur (0.2% to 3.0%), Zinc (15 ppm to 60 ppm), Copper (4 ppm to 20 ppm), Iron (500 ppm to 1200 ppm) and Manganese (20 ppm to 60 ppm). The cake is also rich in both sulphur compounds and liminoids [1].

The Organic Content of Neem Cake 

Neem Organic Breakdown

Use as an Organic Fertilizer 

Neem cake improves the organic content in the soil by reducing its alkalinity and producing organic acids on decomposition. Being completely natural, neem is compatible with soil microbes, improves rhizosphere microflora and ensures stronger texture, higher water holding capacity and aeration in the soil for better root development [2]. Neem cake also protects the plants roots from nematodes, soil grubs and white ants [3].

Neem makes the soil more fertile due to an ingredient that blocks soil bacteria from converting nitrogenous compounds into nitrogen gas. Visit As a nitrification inhibitor, neem prolongs the availability of nitrogen to both short-duration and long duration crops [4].

Applying neem with nitrogenous fertilizers can also slow down the conversion process of nitrogenous compounds in ammonia, nitrates and nitrites, improving the overall efficiency of the soil [5].

Neem cake is applied by mixing it with the soil on and around the roots of the plans. Check here Currently, the different types of commercial neem cake on the market are roughly identified as oiled and deoiled cake, but several other differences can be detected.

Quantity of Neem Cake Necessary According to Crop

Amount of Neem Cake Necessary

Neem Cake as an Organic Pesticide

Neem cake is effective in the management of insects and pests. The bitter principles of the soil and cake have been reported to act as an antifeedant, attractant, repellent, insecticide, nematicide, growth disruptor and antimicrobial [6].

[1] Rao, P. Udayasekhara. Chemical Composition and Biological Evaluation of Debitterized and Defatted Neem (Azadirachta indica) Seed Kernel Cake. Journal of the American Oil Chemists’ Society 64.9 (1987).
[2] Gopal, Murali, et al. "Impact of Azadirachtin, an Insecticidal Allelochemical from Neem on Soil Microflora, Enzyme and Respiratory Activities." Bioresource Technology 98.16 (2007)
[3] Saxena, R. C., H. D. Justo, and P. B. Epino. "Evaluation and Utilization of Neem Cake Against Homoptera: Delphacidae. Journal of economic entomology 77.2 (1984).
[4] Sahrawat, K. L., and B. S. Parmar. Alcohol Extract of Neem (Azadirachta indica L.) Seed as Nitrification Inhibitor." Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 23.1 (1975).
[5] Radwanski, S. A., and G. E. Wickens. "Vegetative Fallows and Potential Value of the Neem Tree (Azadirachta indica) in the Tropics." Economic Botany 35.4 (1981).
[6] Nicoletti, Marcello, et al. Neem Cake: Chemical Composition and Larvicidal Activity. Parasitology Rresearch 111.1 (2012)

